Friday, July 24, 2015

31 for 31...

Everyone says I should start a blog.  Apparently the random stories I have and the things that happen to me are funny.  Or they just want me to make a fool of myself by publishing it on the interwebs for the world to see.  Anywho, what better time to start a blog than my birthday?   Yesterday, I turned 31 so let's kick this little blog off with a 31 for 31 list. 31 things I was to do in my 31st year.  This little blog will help me keep up with it all!  Ready, set, here we go...

1. Potty train my two-year old. That's right, folks. The number one thing I want to accomplish is to get my kid to use the potty. So far she has no interest, so I've got that going for me.

2. Complete the house. We moved into our new house in January and I still have several of empty rooms and walls. I have ideas, just need to make it happen.

3. Learn to monogram so I can stop paying other people.  This would mean I have to buy an embroidery machine.

4. Read more. On our beach vacation a few weeks ago, I read the first book that I've read in three years. I can't commit to a book and month, but maybe a book every three months? 

5. Cook more. We eat out so much.  It would save us a ton of money to eat in more and we'd probably do that if I knew how to cook something other than spaghetti.  

6. I'm at number six and already out of ideas. Does this make me a boring person?  Oh, I know what I want to do -- make more time for girlfriends. Sometimes it's hard with work schedules but I love my girlfriends and need to do a better job making time for them!

7. Lose some el-bees. Yeah, how many times have I said that? I guess you don't know since I've never blogged before. Well, I have a ways to go, but I'm going to get my butt in gear - I mean it this time!

8. Declutter. This is another one I've said quite a few times. But I do have at least five huge shopping bags loaded up to take to Goodwill, so I've got a head start.  

9. Find a babysitter. I probably should have listed this up closer to number one. I'm so fortunate that my parents keep my little one every day....and every other time I need a sitter. My only backup besides them is my dad's sister and if they're going out together, then I'm just plain out of luck. I would love to find a responsible high school or college student (who will have to pass a background check and blood test, obviously) who I could call on without feeling guilty.  Which leads us to number 10...

10.  More date nights.  Again, probably should have ranked this higher. Date nights are few and far between for us between work schedules and sitter issues. I would love to set up a recurring date night with my husband.

That's enough for today. I think this would be better suited as a series. So stay tuned for Part Two.

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